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罗小勇, 刘晋宏, 聂经纶
关键词:  钢筋  不均匀锈蚀  力学性能  截面概率分布
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201905009
Cross Section Distribution Characteristics and Tensile Behavior of Corroded Reinforcing Steel Bars
LUO Xiaoyong, LIU Jinhong, NIE Jinglun
School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China
The steel bars with corrosion degree of 0%18% were collected from accelerated corrosion method by impressing current. Reverse engineering techniques were then applied to obtain accurate cross sectional area of steel bars. Based on the data, the relationship between average and maximum cross section loss ratio was studied and the probability distribution model of cross sectional area was established statistically. Axial tensile tests for steel bars were carried out to investigate the deterioration of mechanical properties due to corrosion. Furthermore, the relationship between mechanical characteristics loss ratio and cross section loss ratio was analyzed. The results show that the nominal yield strength and ultimate strength are dependent on the minimum residual cross sectional area, and that the deformation is related to the distribution of residual cross sectional area, but little to the average or maximum cross section loss ratio. The actual material properties of corroded bars are not changed, which means the effect of corrosion on the mechanical performances of steel bars can be considered by reducing the residual cross sectional area and the constitutive model of uncorroded bars is still applicable.
Key words:  reinforcing steel bar  nonuniform corrosion  mechanical property  probability distribution of cross section