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陈永亮1, 石磊1, 杜金洋1, 张惠灵1, 焦向科2
以铁尾矿为主要原料、稻壳为造孔剂,同时添加适量膨润土和长石作为黏结剂和助熔剂,烧结制备轻质保温墙体材料(LTIWM).通过正交试验和单因素试验,研究了原料配比和烧结温度对材料性能的影响,并利用综合差热分析仪(TG DSC)、X射线衍射分析仪(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)探讨其烧结机理.结果表明:铁尾矿、膨润土、稻壳和长石的最佳含量分别为46%,35%,9%和10%,最佳烧结温度为900℃,在此条件下制备的轻质保温墙体材料的体积密度、抗压强度、显气孔率和导热系数分别为12294g/cm3,76MPa,4554%和02925W/(m·K);烧结过程可分为干燥脱水、造孔、黏结和冷却4个阶段;材料的主要矿物组成为石英、赤铁矿、莫来石、钾长石、钠长石和钙长石;材料内部晶体发育完善,玻璃相含量和显气孔率适中,具备良好的综合性能.
关键词:  铁尾矿  轻质保温墙体材料  性能  烧结过程  微观结构
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201905008
Preparation and Properties of the Lightweight Thermal Insulation Wall Materials with Iron Tailings
CHEN Yongliang1, SHI Lei1, DU Jinyang1, ZHANG Huiling1, JIAO Xiangke2
1.School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430081, China;2.School of Resource and Environment Engineering, Hubei University of Science and Technology, Xianning 437100, China
The lightweight thermal insulation wall material(LTIWM) was prepared with iron tailings as the main raw materials, rice husk as the pore forming agent, together with appropriate amount of bentonite and feldspar as the binder and the flux, respectively. The effect of raw materials ratio and firing temperature on the properties of wall material was studied by orthogonal test and single factor test, and the firing mechanism was investigated by thermal analysis instrument(TG DSC), X ray diffraction(XRD) and scanning electron microscope(SEM). The results show that the optimal contents of iron tailings, bentonite, rice husk and feldspar are 46%, 35%, 9% and 10%, respectively, and the optimal firing temperature is 900℃. The bulk density, compressive strength, apparent porosity and thermal conductivity of the prepared wall materials under the optimal conditions are 12294g/cm3, 76MPa, 4554% and 02925 W/(m·K), respectively. The firing process can be divided into four stages as dry dehydration, pore formation, bonding and cooling. The main mineral compositions of the materials are quartz, hematite, mullite, microcline, albite and anorthite, the internal crystals are well developed, and the glass phase content and porosity are moderate, which ensure the good performances of the material.
Key words:  iron tailings  lightweight thermal insulation wall material(LTIWM)  performance  firing process  microstructure