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刘梦洋, 赵雪娥, 安博, 赵军, 张兰
为确定水性膨胀型防火涂料的低烟化配方,选取有约束的配方设计方法,即随机布点法进行试验设计,制作了不同配比的样品.利用小室燃烧法、烟密度测试法测试并对比不同样品的生烟状况和阻燃效果.经过SPSS,Matlab等统计软件的模型建立,探究了各组分比例对防火涂料生烟及阻燃性能的影响.结果表明:在一定质量分数范围内,聚磷酸铵对防火涂料生烟有抑制作用,而季戊四醇表现为促进作用.为同时保证防火涂料膨胀阻燃效果,通过试验分析与验证,确定聚磷酸铵(APP)、季戊四醇(PER)、三聚氰胺(MEL)和作为基料的水性环氧树脂乳液(Epoxy emulsion)四者的质量分数之比w(APP)∶w(PER)∶w(MEL)∶w(Epoxy emulsion)=2563%∶706%∶1425%∶5306%为有效的低烟化配方.
关键词:  水性膨胀型防火涂料  低烟化  配方设计
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201905010
Low Smoke Formula Design of Waterborne Intumescent Fire Retardant Coating
LIU Mengyang, ZHAO Xuee, AN Bo, ZHAO Jun, ZHANG Lan
School of Mechanics and Engineering Science, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
The influence of different proportions on smoke emission of waterborne intumescent fire retardant coatings was investigated, and the formulation with low smoke was designed. A constrained formulation design method, namely random point placement method, was adopted to design and produce different proportions of the test samples. The chamber combustion method and the smoke density test method were used to test and compare the smoke generation conditions and flame retardant effects of different samples. After the establishment of math models using the softwares like SPSS and Matlab, the effects of each component on the smoke and flame retardant properties of fire retardant coatings were investigated. The results show that, within a certain range, APP has an inhibitory effect on the fire retardant coating, while PER has a promoting effect. In order to ensure the flame retardant effect of fire retardant coating at the same time, through test analysis and verification, it is determined that w(APP)∶w(PER)∶w(MEL)∶w(Epoxy emulsion)=2563%∶706%∶1425%∶5306% is an effective low smoke formula.
Key words:  waterborne intumescent fire retardant coating  low smoke  formula design