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郭晓潞1, 黄加宝2, 章红梅3
以粉煤灰和钢渣为主要原材料研制纤维增强粉煤灰钢渣基地聚合物,并对其在高温条件下的力学性能、质量损失率及表面形貌变化进行了研究,探讨了纤维对地聚合物试样耐高温性能的改善机制.结果表明:纤维可改善地聚合物试样的耐高温性能,在25~300℃时,纤维种类、掺量不同的各试样力学性能随温度升高而升高;高于300℃后,各试样的力学性能开始下降,达到700℃时则下降显著,而当达到900℃时,除试样SF 4外,其余试样的抗压强度及抗折强度均轻微回升;在900℃时,各试样的质量损失率均在10%左右,但仍能保持完整形状且未发生明显变形.地聚合物强度与温度的拟合曲线相关系数R2均能达到09左右,表明拟合结果较为准确,同时建立了地聚合物强度与温度的热力学数学模型.
关键词:  纤维  地聚合物  材料热力学  耐高温性能  数学模型
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201904005
High Temperature Resistance of Fiber Reinforced Fly Ash Steel Slag Based Geopolymer
GUO Xiaolu1, HUANG Jiabao2, ZHANG Hongmei3
1.Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China;2.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China;3.College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
The fiber reinforced geopolymer was prepared from the main raw materials of fly ash and steel slag. The mechanical properties, mass loss rates and surface of fiber reinforced geopolymer were explored under high temperature, and the improvement mechanism of high temperature resistance of geopolymer by fibers was analyzed. The results show that fibers improve high temperature resistance of geopolymer. From 25℃ to 300℃, the mechanical performance of samples rise with increment of temperature; but it begins to decline when the temperature rises to 300℃; and decreases significantly at 700℃. When the temperature reaches 900℃, except for sample SF 4, the strength of the other samples increased slightly. The mass loss rate of each samples is about 10% at 900℃, but all samples remain intact without obvious deformation. The correlation coefficient R2 of the curve between geopolymer strength and temperature has reached about 09, indicating that the fitting result is accurate. The thermodynamic mathematical model between strength and temperature has also been proposed.
Key words:  fiber  geopolymer  thermodynamics of material  high temperature resistance  mathematical model