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赵剑锋, 杨晓杰, 李好新, 马一平
关键词:  透水混凝土  短切纤维种类  掺量  长度  聚丙烯纤维
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201902016
Effect of Chopped Fibers on the Performance of Pervious Concrete
ZHAO Jianfeng, YANG Xiaojie, LI Haoxin, MA Yiping
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
Influence of different types of chopped fiber (polypropylene fiber(PPF), polyvinyl alcohol fiber(PVAF) and glass fiber(GF)) dosages and lengths on mechanical properties and permeability properties of pervious concrete was studied. With the increase of PPF length, compressive strength increases firstly and then decreases. When length is 12mm, compressive strength of pervious concrete with different PPF dosages are lower than control group. Flexural strength increases with the increase of PPF length or dosage. Adding PPF results in the decline of porosity and permeability coefficient. When concrete is mixed with 6mm long PVAF, compressive strength and flexural strength are improved. While 6mm long GF is added, compressive strength decreases. Moreover, PVAF and GF both lead to decrease of porosity and permeability coefficient.
Key words:  pervious concrete  chopped fiber type  dosage  length  polypropylene fiber(PPF)