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熊杨1, 李俊华1, 孙彬2, 毛诗洋2
关键词:  装配式建筑  钢筋套筒连接  灌浆料  抗压强度  18圆柱体
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201902017
Strength and Influencing Factors of Sleeve Grouting Materials in Prefabricated Building
XIONG Yang1, LI Junhua1, SUN Bin2, MAO Shiyang2
1.Faculty of Architectural, Civil Engineering and Environment, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China;2.China Academy of Building Research, Beijing 100013, China
In order to investigate the strength and influencing factors of reinforced sleeve joint grouting materials in prefabricated concrete structures, 402grouting material test blocks were designed and prepared to test the compressive strength and observe the shape of specimen, size and water material ratio for block compressive strength. The relationship of compressive strength between 18cylindrical specimen with 1∶1 of height diameter ratio and standard specimens was established under different ages and strength conditions. The results show that the shape of grouting material test block has obvious influence on the compressive strength, while the size has no significant influence on the compressive strength of grouting material; the strength of the grouting material decreases with the increase of water material ratio; the compressive strength of 18cylindrical specimen and standard specimen basically obeys the normal distribution; on the basis of experiment, the conversion formula of compressive strength of standard specimen and 18cylindrical specimen is established, which can provide a theoretical basis for testing the solid strength of reinforced sleeve joint grouting material in engineering.
Key words:  prefabricated building  reinforced sleeve joint  grouting material  compressive strength  18cylinder