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党玉栋1, 马晓杰2, 董晨辉1, 徐世烺3, 李昕成1
关键词:  混凝土物理性能  空间非均匀性  养护条件  钢筋保护层  渗透性  耐久性
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201902015
Characterization of Spatial Non uniformity of Physical Properties for Concrete Materials
DANG Yudong1, MA Xiaojie2, DONG Chenhui1, XU Shilang3, LI Xincheng1
1.Yunnan Key Laboratory of Building Structure and New Materials, Yunnan Institute of Building Research, Kunming 650223, China;2.Yunnan Quality Testing Station of Civil Engineering Co., Ltd., Kunming 650223, China;3.College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
Rebound hardness, gas permeability coefficient and water absorption rate of cut slides of concrete under different wet curing history at different depths on its surface were tested. The results show that the time of early wet curing is closely related to the spatial uniformity of the physical properties of concrete materials. The shorter the time of early wet curing, the lower the hardness (strength) of the surface layer concrete, and the worse the resistance to water and gas permeability, and the more significant the gradient of difference at different depths along the vertical concrete surface.
Key words:  physical property of concrete  spatial non uniformity  curing condition  cover to reinforcement  permeability  durability