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曾路, 余意恒, 任毅, 彭小芹, 孙幸福
分别采用标准养护及蒸汽养护方式,对以钢渣和矿渣为原材料、双氧水为发气剂的碱激发钢渣矿渣加气混凝土进行养护,研究钢渣掺量、矿渣掺量、水玻璃模数、碱含量、水胶比和碱溶液温度对加气混凝土性能的影响,并利用X射线衍射(XRD),扫描电镜(SEM)和傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)对加气混凝土的微观结构进行分析.结果表明:碱激发钢渣矿渣加气混凝土的最佳配合比为钢渣掺量40%,矿渣掺量60%,水玻璃模数16,碱含量6%,水胶比042,碱溶液温度30℃,双氧水掺量分别为4%及8%;制备的2种制品(B06和B05级)的孔径分布主要为03~06mm和05~10mm,宏观孔多为圆形封闭孔;此外,采用不同养护方式的制品水化产物均为C S H凝胶和C S A H凝胶,水化产物中没有Ca(OH)2;当采用蒸汽养护时,B06级制品的物理力学性能均能达到GB 11968—2006《蒸压加气混凝土砌块》标准规定值.
关键词:  碱激发  钢渣  矿渣  加气混凝土
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201902007
Preparation of Aerated Concrete with Alkali Activated Steel Slag and Blast Furnace Slag
ZENG Lu, YU Yiheng, REN Yi, PENG Xiaoqin, SUN Xingfu
College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China
Aerated concrete was prepared by alkali activated steel slag and blast furnace slag with hydrogen peroxide as air entraining agent. The influence factors on the performance of aerated concrete, including steel slag content, blast furnace slag content, molar ratio of water glass, alkali content, water binder ratio and the alkali solution temperature were investigated. The microstructure was characterized by XRD, SEM and FTIR. Results show that to produce the aerated concrete with optimum properties, the content of steel slag is 40% with blast furnace slag of 60%, and molar ratio of water glass is 16, the alkali content is 6%, and water binder ratio is 042, hydrogen peroxide content is 4% and 8%. The alkali solution temperature should be at 30℃. Pore size for B06 and B05 products are ranging from 03 to 06mm and from 05 to 10mm, and the pore are mostly closed holes with a uniform circular shape. Maintenance methods have no effect on the type of hydration products. Microstructure analysis show that the main hydration products are C S H gel and C A S H gel. The physical and mechanical properties of B06 product can meet the requirements of the standard GB 11968—2006 with steam curing.
Key words:  alkali activated  steel slag  blast furnace slag  aerated concrete