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薛慧君, 申向东, 邹春霞, 刘倩, 邹欲晓
关键词:  核磁共振  混凝土  风积沙  冻融  孔隙特征  演变
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201902006
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51769025,51569021);内蒙古自治区水利科研专项项目(NSK2016 S11);内蒙古自治区博士研究生科研创新重点项目(B2018111942Z)
Freeze Thaw Pore Evolution of Aeolian Sand Concrete Based on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
XUE Huijun, SHEN Xiangdong, ZOU Chunxia, LIU Qian, ZOU Yuxiao
College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, China
Aeolian sand rather than river sand was used to prepare concrete. The freeze thaw resistance test of aeolian sand concrete was carried out. The freeze thaw evolution of pore characteristic of aeolian sand concrete was analyzed by means of nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) technique. The results show that for evaluation of frost resistance of aeolian sand concrete, relative dynamic elasticity modulus is more accurate than mass loss rate; the porosity and permeability of the concrete increase after the freeze thaw cycles in which the frost resistance of aeolian sand concrete with the replacement rate of 40% is the best. The bound water saturation after the freeze thaw cycles of the concrete with the replacement rate of 40% increases and the free water saturation is reduced. The pore distribution of aeolian sand concrete affects the frost resistance. After the freeze thaw cycles, the pores with radius less than 10nm increase and pores with radius larger than 100nm decrease with the result that the freeze thaw damage delays. Conversely, pores with radius less than 10nm decrease and pores with radius larger than 100nm increase which may result in aggravating the freeze thaw damage.
Key words:  nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR)  concrete  aeolian sand  freeze thaw  pore characteristic  evolution