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陈守开1, 陈家林1, 汪伦焰1, 李海瑞2, 郭磊1
关键词:  再生骨料透水混凝土  正态分布  BP网络模型  预测分析  强度  渗透性
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201902008
Key Performance Statistics of Recycled Aggregate Pervious Concrete and Prediction Analysis
CHEN Shoukai1, CHEN Jialin1, WANG Lunyan1, LI Hairui2, GUO Lei1
1.School of Water Conservancy, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450045, China;2.School of Management and Economics, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450045, China
The statistical analysis of 4key performance indicators(compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, porosity and water permeability) of recycled aggregate pervious concrete(RAPC) revealed that these indicators basically obey the normal distribution pattern; based on this, the statistical characteristics and the intrinsic relation of its macroscopic properties were established. On this basis, and based on the artificial neural network method, the backpropagation(BP) network model was established by means of Python software. The model was used to conduct interactive prediction analysis on the key performance indicators of the concrete; the relative error of the average predicted values is within 10%. This indicates that the application of the method can achieve higher accuracy in performance prediction; it indicates that there is an inherent inverse relationship between the permeability and strength properties of RAPC and it is predictable.
Key words:  recycled aggregate pervious concrete(RAPC)  normal distribution  backpropagation(BP) network model  predictive analysis  strength  permeability