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魏亚1, 万成1, 左勇志2, 马德云2
关键词:  火灾损伤  高温  混凝土  红外线热像法  超声回弹法
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201801021
Infrared Thermal Image Method and Ultrasonic Rebound Method in Assessing Fire Damaged Concrete
WEI Ya1, WAN Cheng1, ZUO Yongzhi2, MA Deyun2
1.Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;2.Beijing Building Construction Research Institute, Beijing 100039, China
A fire simulated experiment were conducted on two types of concrete(C60 and C70). The damage of concrete was assessed by infrared thermography and ultrasonic rebound methods to verify the feasibility and characteristics of these two methods. The results show that the maximum temperature that the concrete experienced has strong correlation with the residual strength. Therefore, the maximum fire temperature can be used as an indicator to determine the concrete damage degree. On the other hand, the average temperature increase of concrete surface measured by infrared thermography has an excellent correlation with the maximum fire temperature. The average velocity of sound wave measured by ultrasonic rebound method as well as the rebound value with residual strength have good correlation with the maximum fire temperature. Due to the different indicators,these two methods are suitable for different situations.
Key words:  fire damage  high temperature  concrete  infrared thermal image method  ultrasonic rebound method