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巴明芳, 朱杰兆, 薛涛, 柳俊哲
关键词:  硫氧镁胶凝材料  轻烧氧化镁  七水硫酸镁  摩尔比
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201801020
Influence of Molar Ratio on Properties of Magnesium Oxysulfate Cementitious Materials
BA Mingfang, ZHU Jiezhao, XUE Tao, LIU Junzhe
Faculty of Architectural, Civil Engineering and Environment, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China
Effects of n(MgO)/n(MgSO4), n(H2O)/n(MgSO4) on the properties and micro structural mechanism of magnesium oxysulfate(MOS) cemented materials were investigated. The results show that the most optimal mechanical properties are obtained when n(H2O)/n(MgSO4) is fixed to be 19∶1 and n(MgO)/n(MgSO4) equals to 14∶1. Micro structural analysis shows that once n(MgO)/n(MgSO4) is over 14∶1, the content of residual MgO and Mg(OH)2 in hardened paste of MOS will increase, which will loosen the structure of the hardened MOS and reduce its mechanical properties; With the increase of n(H2O)/n(MgSO4) the formation of basic magnesium sulfate phase in hardened MOS will be retarded, resulting in a large amount of pores in microstructure and decrease of mechanical properties, when n(MgO)/n(MgSO4) is 14∶1.
Key words:  magnesium oxysulfate cemented material  lightly burned magnesia  seven water magnesium sulfate  molar ratio