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郭耀华, 丁红岩, 张浦阳, 张磊
关键词:  压汞试验  高吸水性树脂  混凝土  孔隙特征
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201801022
Pore Structure Characteristics of SAP Concrete Based on Mercury Intrusion Test
GUO Yaohua, DING Hongyan, ZHANG Puyang, ZHANG Lei
School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
In order to study the variation of internal pore structure characteristics and the compressive strength of concrete specimens, super absorbent polymer(SAP) concrete was mixed with dry mixing method. Based on mercury intrusion test and compression test, concretes with 2 kinds of mix proportions and 3 kinds of SAP contents were tested in this batch test to determine the internal pore structure parameters and compressive strength. Results show that the SAP content is proportional to pore volume, porosity and pore diameter. After adding SAP, the compressive strength of concrete is inversely proportional to specific pore volume, porosity and pore diameter. With the increase of the SAP content, the fractional porosity of less than 10μm is increased, while the fractional porosity of more than 10μm has no significant variation.
Key words:  mercury intrusion test  super absorbent polymer  concrete  pore structure characteristic