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杨海峰, 吕梁胜, 邓志恒, 张忻颖
通过改变再生粗骨料取代率、钢筋直径及箍筋直径,完成了66个钢筋再生混凝土试件的中心拉拔试验.综合分析了上述因素对再生混凝土与钢筋黏结性能的影响规律,建立了再生混凝土与钢筋的黏结滑移本构关系,并基于van der Veen理论模型,提出了配置箍筋后钢筋再生混凝土的开裂黏结强度理论公式.结果表明:配置箍筋试件与未配置箍筋试件的黏结滑移曲线整体发展过程相似,可采用同一方程表达;配置箍筋试件的黏结滑移曲线下降段较为平缓、曲线下降段参数b值离散程度较小,未配置箍筋试件可以采用b=1作为其由劈裂破坏到劈裂拔出破坏的分界值;所建立的本构关系及黏结强度计算公式的理论值与试验值吻合较好.
关键词:  箍筋约束  再生混凝土  黏结滑移  本构关系  黏结强度
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2017.01.007
Research on Bond Behavior between Recycled Concrete and Steel Rebar for Confinement of Transverse Stirrups
YANG Haifeng, L Liangsheng, DENG Zhiheng, ZHANG Xinying
College of Civil and Architecture Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
66 pull out tests were carried out to study the bond behavior between recycled concrete and steel rebar, considering different levels of recycled coarse aggregate substitution, diameters of steel rebar and the transverse stirrup. The effects of these factors on the bond behavior were analyzed and the bond slip constitutive relation between recycled concrete and steel bar was established. The splitting bond strength equation for specimens with stirrups was also proposed based on the model of van der Veen. The results show that the shape of bond slip curves for all the specimens are similar, and the expressions of these curves could be identical. For specimens with stirrups, the descending part of bond slip curves become flatter and the b values are more concentrate, b=1 can be used as the boundary between splitting failure and splitting pull out failure for specimens without stirrups. The proposed constitutive relation and theoretical bond strength formula fit the test data well.
Key words:  confinement of stirrup  recycled concrete  bond slip  constitutive relation  bond strength