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李化建, 黄法礼, 程冠之, 易忠来, 张勇, 王振, 谢永江
采用RHM 3000 ICAR流变仪测试了水粉比对粉体黏度改性剂(VMA)复合型自密实混凝土(简称自密实混凝土)流变行为的影响,比较分析了Bingham模型、Herschel Bulkley(H B)模型及改进Bingham模型对该混凝土流变曲线的适用性.结果表明:坍落扩展度与含气量相当的自密实混凝土,随着水粉比的提高,其屈服应力增大,塑性黏度减小;自密实混凝土剪切变稠程度随着水粉比的提高而降低,当水粉比增大至0.40(质量比)时,其剪切变稠现象完全消失,表现出剪切变稀现象;H B模型和改进Bingham模型均能很好地描述自密实混凝土剪切变形行为,且改进Bingham模型的c/μ对剪切变形的变化更为敏感.
关键词:  水粉比  自密实混凝土  流变模型  剪切变形
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2017.01.006
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51378499,51308546);中国铁路总公司科技开发计划项目(2014G001 C)
Effect of Water Powder Ratio on Shear Deformation Behavior of Self compacting Concrete(SCC)
LI Huajian, HUANG Fali, CHENG Guanzhi, YI Zhonglai, ZHANG Yong, WANG Zhen, XIE Yongjiang
Railway Engineering Research Institute, China Academy of Railway Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
The rheological curves of powder viscosity modifier admixture(VMA)combination type self compacting concrete(SCC)with different water powder ratios were determined by means of RHM 3000 ICAR rheometer. The data obtained were modeled by the Bingham model, Herschel Bulkley(H B) model and modified Bingham model respectively. The results indicate that the yield stress increases with increasing water powder ratio of the SCC with the same slump flow and air content, while the opposite is true for the plastic viscosity. The increasing water powder ratio can weaken the shear thickening behavior. When the water powder ratio increases to 0.40(by mass), the shear thickening phenomenon completely disappears, showing a shear thinning behavior. Both H B model and modified Bingham model can describe the shear thickening behavior of SCC, and the c/μ of modified Bingham model is more sensitive to shear deformation.
Key words:  water powder ratio  self compacting concrete  rheological model  shear deformation