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董越1, 杨志强1, 高谦1, 丁向群2
关键词:  孔隙特征  加气混凝土  力学性能  抗冻性能
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2017.01.008
Effect of MATLAB Pore Characteristic on Performance of Aerated Concrete Prepared with Iron Tailings
DONG Yue1, YANG Zhiqiang1, GAO Qian1, DING Xiangqun2
1.Key Laboratory of High Efficient Mining and Safety of Metal Mine of Ministry of Education, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China;2.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang 110168, China
By using different aerated materials to improve the pore characteristics of aerated concrete samples, and based on MATLAB platform, cross sectional images of the samples were processed to characterize their pore characteristics, and those samples were characterized by mass loss and compressive strength loss test after thawing, the influence of pore characteristics on the mechanical properties and frost resistance of aerated concrete were analyzed. Studies have shown that the method of sectional photograph with MATLAB could be used to collect and analyze the data of cross sectional images, and characterize different pore information; the sample with Al powder and entraining agent could reach the test standard of wall materials on freeze thaw cycle experiments; as the number of communication pore, the average pore size and the loose structure made of hydration increase, the water absorption of the samples increases, after 15 times freeze thaw cycles, the loss ratio of samples mass and compressive strength increase.
Key words:  pore characteristic  aerated concrete  mechanical property  frost resistance