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曲福来, 刘桂荣, 赵顺波, 闫磊源
关键词:  不均匀  锈蚀  钢筋  长度表征  力学性能
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201603026
Mechanical Properties of Non uniformly Corroded Steel Bars Based on Length Characterization
QU Fulai, LIU Guirong, ZHAO Shunbo, YAN Leiyuan
School of Civil Engineering and Communication, North China University of Water Resources andElectric Power, Zhengzhou 450045, China
To investigate the change law of corrosion rate along the length direction of steel bars and its effect on mechanical properties of corroded steel bars, electrochemical acceleration corrosion experiments of concrete slabs were carried out. Results indicate that the non uniform corrosion steel bars can be obtained through use of direct current method by controlling the concrete density and immersing method of specimen. Furthermore, it is found that the yield load and ultimate load of non uniformly corroded steel bars under tension are more relevant with the maximum segment corrosion rate. And the value of parameter reflecting length characterization increases with average mass loss rate of corroded steel bars. Finally, the predicted loads expressed by the maximum segment corrosion rate are close to those of the experiments, which may be as references for other related researches.
Key words:  non uniform  corrosion  steel bar  length characterization  mechanical property