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李海涛1, 魏冬冬2, 苏靖文1, 袁从淦2, 陈国1
关键词:  竹重组材  偏心受压  相对偏心率  挠度
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201603025
Experimental Study on PSBL under Eccentric Compression
LI Haitao1, WEI Dongdong2, SU Jingwen1, YUAN Conggan2, CHEN Guo1
1.School of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China;2.Jiangxi Feiyu Bamboo Product Co., Ltd., Fengxin 330700, China
In order to investigate the mechanical performance of parallel bamboo strand lumber (PBSL) column under eccentric compression, the specimens were made of the top part of the original bamboo and a series of axial compression tests were conducted. Then the failure mechanism for the specimens was studied in detail. The test results show as follows:the cracks appear firstly in the middle part of the column, particularly for the specimen with small eccentricity; the cracks firstly close to the bracket particularly for the specimen with big eccentricity; the stiffness and ultimate load decrease as the increase of the eccentricity; the test deformation curves for the columns are close to the sine half wave line when the load is small, however, the deformation curves are close to the triangle closing to the ultimate load. In addition, the strain is distributed linearly across the cross section of the columns and obeys the plain section assumption. An equation for calculating the ultimate capacity of PBSL columns is proposed considering the eccentricity influencing coefficient. The calculation results obtained from the equations give a good agreement with the test results.
Key words:  parallel bamboo strand lumber(PBSL)  eccentric compression  relative eccentric ratio  deflection