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郑大锋, 陈然, 李小康
为开发新型砂浆外加剂和有效利用造纸黑液,研究了造纸黑液的引气性、表面活性及其对砂浆工作性、保水性、凝结时间及抗压强度的影响.结果表明:造纸黑液具有良好的引气性能和表面活性;当造纸黑液掺量(质量分数)为03%时,砂浆经时2h的稠度损失率为123%,凝结时间比基准空白砂浆延长49h,保水率比为1086%,硬化砂浆14d的黏结强度比为115%,28d抗压强度为309MPa;03%造纸黑液与适量的促凝剂复配可满足JG/T 426—2013《抹灰砂浆增塑剂》的各项规定.
关键词:  造纸黑液  砂浆外加剂  保水性  稠度  堆积密度  凝结时间
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201603027
Physico Chemical Properties of Black Fluid from Paper Making and Its Applecation in Mortar
ZHENG Dafeng, CHEN Ran, LI Xiaokang
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China
In order to develop a new mortar admixture and effectively apply black fluid from paper making, the air entraining, surface activity of the black fluid was studied, and its effect on the workability, water retention, setting time and strength of the mortar was investigated. The results show that the black fluid have good air entraining property and surface activity. When the use level (by mass)of black fluid is 03%, the consistency loss of mortar mixed with the black fluid is 123% after 2h, the setting time is 49h longer than that of the control mortar, and the ratio of water retention rate to that of the control is 1086%. For the hardened mortar, when the black fluid use levle is 03%, the adhesive strength ratio of the mortar mixed with the black fluid is 115% at the age of 14d, the compressive strength is 309MPa at the age of 28d. To meet the requirment set forth in the JG/T 426—2013 (Plasticizer for plastering mortar) standards, the black fluid should be combined with a suitable amount of coagulant, and the proper use level in the mortar is 03%.
Key words:  black fluid from paper making  mortar admixture  water retention  consistency  bulk density  setting time