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彭立民1, 王军锋2, 傅峰1, 王东1, 朱广勇1
关键词:  木质纤维  聚酯纤维  吸声
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201501031
基金项目:国家林业局948项目(2013 4 15)
Experimental Study on Sound Absorption of Wood Fiber/Polyester Fiber Composite Materials
PENG Limin1, WANG Junfeng2, FU Feng1, WANG Dong1, ZHU Guangyong1
1.Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China;2.The Center for QualityTesting of Forest Products, Guangxi Zhuang Autonmous Region Forestry Research Institute, Nanning 530002, China
Acoustic absorption coefficient of wood fiber/polyester fiber composite material as a porous material was studied. Six factors influencing the sound absorption performance of the composite material including density, thickness, air cavity depth behind the composite material, flow resistance rate, treatment technology were investigated. Results show that:within the scope of the test, when the density of the composite material is 02g/cm3 and the air flow resistance rate is 198×105Pa·s/m2, it has good sound absorption performance. With increasing thickness of the composite material or increasing depth of the cavity behind, sound absorption peak moves to the low frequency; if the composite material becomes denser by treated with needling process, the sound absorption performance enhances obviously; the sound absorption properties of composite materials are reduced by covering the facing material in some extent.
Key words:  wood fiber  polyester fiber  sound absorption