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李灿华, 向晓东, 周溪滢
以钢渣作为粗集料,石灰岩为细集料,采用SBS改性沥青配制开级配钢渣透水沥青混合料(OGFC 16).在最佳油石比下,该混合料的析漏值、肯塔堡飞散损失量均满足相关规范要求,其马歇尔稳定度为86kN,动稳定度为3316,劈裂强度比为835%,渗水系数为412,车辙摩擦系数(摆式)为707,可以保证道路长年使用的行车安全性,节约大量的道路养护成本.
关键词:  钢渣  开级配磨耗层(OGFC)  沥青混合料(AC)
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201501030
Investigation of Performance of Porous Open Graded Steel Slag Asphalt Mixture
LI Canhua, XIANG Xiaodong, ZHOU Xiying
College of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430080, China
Steel slag selected as coarse aggregate and limestone as fine aggregate and the SBS modified asphalt were used to prepare open graded steel slag asphalt mixture(OGFC 16). When the asphalt content is optimum, the run off loss and Cantabro scattering loss meet Chinese regulatory requirements. The results of Marshall stability and splitting strength test show that the Marshall stability of OGFC 16 reaches 86kN, dynamic stability reaches 3316, and tensile strength ratio is 835%. The water permeability coefficient of OGFC 16 is 412 and the rutting friction coefficient is 707, which means that OGFC 16 has a strong water seepage and an excellence wear resistant performance. In a word, OGFC 16 can guarantee the driving security of long term use for road and save a lot of road maintenance costs.
Key words:  steel slag  open graded wearing course(OGFC)  asphalt mixture(AC)