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引用本文:张雄,黄廷皓,张永娟,高辉,姜曼.Image Pro Plus混凝土孔结构图像分析方法[J].建筑材料学报,2015,18(1):177-182
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Image Pro Plus混凝土孔结构图像分析方法
张雄, 黄廷皓, 张永娟, 高辉, 姜曼
根据定量体视学的原理,应用光学显微镜和计算机图像处理软件(Image Pro Plus),针对混凝土内部的细观气孔(10~1600μm),详细介绍了Image Pro Plus混凝土孔结构图像分析方法,并计算出图像分析中砂浆的最小样本数为4,混凝土的最小样本数为1,满足了图像分析混凝土孔结构的适用性.结果表明:Image Pro Plus混凝土孔结构图像分析方法具有典型代表性和良好操作性,适于深入研究混凝土孔结构与宏观性能的关联性.
关键词:  孔结构  图像分析  混凝土
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201501032
Image Pro Plus Analysis of Pore Structure of Concrete
ZHANG Xiong, HUANG Tinghao, ZHANG Yongjuan, GAO Hui, JIANG Man
Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education,Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
In the view of the quantitative stereology, the test method of concrete pore structure was analyzed with application of a light microscope and a computer graphics software (Image Pro Plus). The test range is under mesoscopic level (101600 μm). For the feasibility of Image Pro Plus analysis of pore structure, the full test process was proposed in detail. In addition, the minimum sample size, which was equal to four in mortar and one in concrete, was determined. The result indicates that Image Pro Plus analysis, as a test method of pore structure of concrete, can be widely used in practice for its significant representativeness and outstanding operability, which contributes to the further study on the relation between pore structure of concrete and macro performances.
Key words:  pore structure  image analysis  concrete