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路承功1, 魏智强2, 乔宏霞1, 李刊1, 乔国斌1
关键词:  盐渍土  通电加速  Weibull分布  钢筋混凝土  参数估计  可靠性
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202102011
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51168031,51868044);中铁一勘院科研开发基金(13 24 01);兰州理工大学红柳一流学科建设计划项目
Reliability Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete under Electrified Acceleration Based on Weibull Distribution
LU Chenggong1, WEI Zhiqiang2, QIAO Hongxia1, LI Kan1, QIAO Guobin1
1.School of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China;2.School of Science, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China
Three kinds of reinforced concrete prisms with different strength grades were placed in heavy saline soil for constant current accelerated test. The electrochemical workstation was used for nondestructive testing regularly. Weibull distribution was selected for reliability modeling. The shape parameters and scale parameters were estimated by median rank method, look up table method and maximum likelihood method. The results show that under the electrified environment of saline soil, the reliability curve shows the characteristics of three stages, the failure rate value is small in the early stage, and increases sharply in the later stage. Among the three kinds of parameter estimation methods, the scale parameter estimation value is less affected by the parameter estimation method, while the shape parameter value is more affected by the parameter estimation method. The shape parameter value obtained by the median rank method is the largest, the shape parameter value obtained by the look up table method is the smallest, and the shape parameter value obtained by the maximum likelihood method is between the look up table method and the look up table method.The parameters estimated by the four kinds of median rank are quite different, but the parameters estimated by the maximum likelihood method are very similar. Among the four methods of maximum likelihood method, bisection method and simple iteration method have more iteration times, while Newton Secant method and Stephenson iteration method have higher iteration efficiency due to the introduction of derivatives. The strength has a significant impact on the reliability of reinforced concrete. The higher the strength grade is, the smaller the density extremum is, the longer the failure interval is, and the smaller the failure ratio is.
Key words:  saline soil  electric acceleration  Weibull distribution  reinforced concrete  parameter estimation  reliability