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吴林键, 鞠学莉, 马原飞, 管理
关键词:  混凝土  钢筋  氯离子  阻挡效应  耐久性
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202102010
基金项目:重庆市自然科学基金博士后科学基金项目(cstc2019jcyj bshX0063);中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(2019M653824XB);重庆交通大学河海学院研究生科研创新基金项目(YC2020005)
Prediction Model of Chloride Diffusion in Concrete Considering the Blocking Effects of Rebar
WU Linjian, JU Xueli, MA Yuanfei, GUAN Li
National Inland Waterway Regulation Engineering Research Center, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China
To quantify the influence degree of rebar on chloride diffusion in concrete at the meso scopic level, an indoor physical experiment of chloride natural diffusion into concrete and reinforced concrete specimens under drying wetting cycles in artificial marine tidal environment was carried out. The chloride content distributions in concretes at different diffusion times were measured. The influence of indirect blocking effects of rebar on chloride diffusion coefficient was quantitatively explored based on the meso scopic image technique. Using the indirect and direct blocking effect coefficients of rebar to improve the closed form solution of Ficks second law, a prediction model of chloride concentration in concrete considering the influence of blocking effects of rebar was established. The accuracy of the proposed model was proved by comparing the predicted chloride content in the model with experimental results.
Key words:  concrete  rebar  chloride  blocking effect  durability