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大连海事大学 交通运输工程学院,辽宁 大连 116026
关键词:  湿盐砂环境  钢绞线混凝土  拉拔试验  黏结性能  黏结强度
Bonding Properties between Corroded Steel Strand and Concrete
LIU Yunyan, FAN Yingfang, LI Qiuchao
College of Transportation Engineering, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China
Based on the central pull-out test of corroded steel strand concrete samples under wet salt sand condition, the influences of corrosion ratio of steel strand, bonding length, steel stirrups and carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) strips to the bonding properties of bond-slip curves, bonding strength and failure modes were analyzed. The results indicate that occurrence of concrete spitting failure is reduced by CFRP strips and steel stirrups. With the increase of corrosion ratio of steel strand, the bond-slip curves of steel strand change from four stages of slight upward slip, slight downward, strengthening and steady downward to two stages of slight upward and rapid downward. With the corrosion ratio of 1.50% as a dividing, the initial bonding strength and bonding strength increases firstly and then decreases with the corrosion ratio. With the increase of the bonding length, the distribution range of initial bonding strength and maximum bonding strength decrease significantly. A formula of normalized bonding strength of corroded steel strand concrete under chloride environment is established, the calculated values are in good agreement with the test values.
Key words:  wet salt sand condition  steel strand concrete  pull-out test  bonding property  bonding strength