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1.兰州交通大学 道桥工程灾害防治技术国家地方联合工程实验室,甘肃 兰州 730070;2.中石油燃料油有限责任公司研究院,北京 100195;3.中石油克拉玛依石化有限责任公司炼油化工研究院,新疆 克拉玛依 834003
关键词:  硬质沥青  低温性能  Burgers模型  评价指标
Evaluation on Low Temperature Characterization of Hard Petroleum Asphalt Base on the Burgers Model
LI Bo1, ZHANG Xijun1, LI Jianxin2, YANG Kehong3, TONG Peipei2
1.National and Provincial Joint Engineering Laboratory of Road & Bridge Disaster Prevention and Control, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China;2.PetroChina Fuel Oil Company Limited Research Institute, Beijing 100195, China;3.PetroChina Karamy Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Karamy 834003, China
Due to the limitation of ductility index in evaluating the low temperature performance of hard petroleum asphalt, a better evaluation index of low temperature performance of hard asphalt was proposed. Bending beam rheological (BBR) test of four kinds of representative hard petroleum asphalt were carried out at different temperatures. The low-temperature parameters such as stiffness modulus and creep stiffness change rate of each asphalt sample were tested. Burgers viscoelastic model was used to fit and analyze the low temperature creep compliance curve, and the low temperature viscoelastic evaluation index of asphalt was constructed, including relaxation time λ, new index mt)/St), low temperature comprehensive compliance parameter JC. At same time, the correlation analysis and comparison with the maximum bending tensile stress index of hard petroleum asphalt mixture were established. The results show that there are some limitations in using absolute index (S or m) to evaluate the low-temperature performance of hard petroleum asphalt. Considering the modulus, creep rate, λmt)/St) and JC of hard petroleum asphalt modulus, creep rate and relaxation capacity can reflect and evaluate the low-temperature rheological properties of hard petroleum asphalt more accurately. It is suggested to use index mt)/St) to evaluate the low-temperature rheological properties of hard petroleum asphalt during the research work, and λ should be used as the low-temperature evaluation index of hard petroleum asphalt in engineering application.
Key words:  hard petroleum asphalt  low temperature performance  Burgers model  evaluation indicator