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1.内蒙古工业大学 土木工程学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010051;2.内蒙古工业大学 内蒙古自治区土木工程结构与力学重点实验室,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010051;3.内蒙古建筑职业技术学院 交通与市政工程学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010051
关键词:  热老化  自愈合  沥青胶浆  微观结构  流变性能  愈合机理
Evaluation of Microstructure and Self-healing Properties of Asphalt Mortar under Heat Aging
CUI Yanan1,2, ZHOU Jun1,2, ZHAO Lin3
1.School of Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051,China;2.The Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Structure and Mechanics of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051,China;3.School of Transportation and Municipal Engineering, Inner Mongola Techical College of Construction, Hohhot 010051,China
In order to study the self-healing properties of asphalt mortar under heat aging, three kinds of asphalt mortar were prepared to test microstructure, fatigue—healing—re-fatigue and creep—self-healing—re-creep processes,by atomic force microscope(AFM),dynamic shear rheometer(DSR),bending beam rheometer(BBR) to establish two healing indexes (HI1 and HI2) for the effects of healing temperature, asphalt type, filler-asphalt ratio, aging degree, destruction degree, healing time on the self-healing properties of asphalt mortar. The results show that after aging, the bee-shape structure in the matrix asphalt mortar changes significantly, while the microstructure of SBS modified asphalt mortar and rubber powder modified asphalt mortar is more stable, and the change of microstructure potentially affects the self-healing performance.The healing index HI1 based on the cumulative dissipation energy and the healing index HI2 based on the area SA enclosed by the time axis and the main curve of the stiffness modulus in double logarithmic coordinates can better reflect the asphalt mortar self-healing properties; The self-healing ability of asphalt mortar with low filler-asphalt ratio is better, the deepening of aging reduces the healing ability, and the healing ability of modified asphalt mortar is stronger at low temperature.
Key words:  heat aging  self-healing  asphalt mortar  microstructure  rheological property  healing mechanism