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黄宝锋1, 吴鹏1, 卢文胜2
关键词:  半透明混凝土  幕墙  导热系数  能耗  电费
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202006030
Energy Efficient Analysis of Translucent Concrete Panel Curtain Wall
HUANG Baofeng1, WU Peng1, LU Wensheng2
1.College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211800, China;2.College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
A series of translucent concrete panel(TCP) was prepared by using large diameter optical fiber(OF), and its compressive strength and thermal conductivity properties were measured. To investigate the energy efficient performance of the TCPs, one room office building model was built with SketchUp and EnergyPlusTM software packages. The influence of TCP curtain wall, brick wall and glass curtain wall on energy consumption was compared. The results show that the thermal conductivity of TCP is about 021W/(m·K), which is superior to other commonly used curtain wall materials such as glass and brick; TCP curtain wall consumes more energy than glass curtain wall in winter, while it consumes less energy than glass curtain wall in summer. The total energy consumption of TCP curtain wall is 85% of that of glass curtain wall. The annual energy consumption of TCP curtain wall is obviously less than that of glass curtain wall. The electricity cost of buildings can also be reduced. The volume fraction of optical fiber in TCP curtain wall the lower the energy consumption in winter and the greater the energy consumption in summer, and the reduction amplitude of energy consumption in winter is generally lower than the increase value in summer.
Key words:  translucent concrete  curtain wall  thermal conductivity  energy consumption  electricity cost