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彭刚, 胡晓鹏, 牛荻涛, 王静
关键词:  混凝土  施工期  重复荷载  动力本构关系  计算模型
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202006029
Compressive Stress Strain Relationship of Concrete during Construction under Repeated Loading
PENG Gang, HU Xiaopeng, NIU Ditao, WANG Jing
School of Civil Engineering, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian 710055, China
According to the test results of the uniaxial compression experiments on concrete with different ages under repeated loading, the effects of concrete age on the different characteristic parameters of the compressive stress strain curves were analyzed. The computational model for dynamic constitutive relationship of concrete during construction under repeated loading was proposed, and the relationship between concrete age, concrete strength grade and the parameters of constitutive model was discussed. Results show that accompanied by the increasing concrete age, the elastic deformation stage of concrete increased, the axial deformation of concrete decreased at the same loading level, the peak stress, initial secant modulus and secant modulus at peak point increase whereas the peak strain decrease, moreover, the ascending and descending section of the envelope tend to steep.
Key words:  concrete  construction period  repeated loading  dynamic constitutive relation  computational model