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史庆轩1, 郭天宇2, 贺志坚3
以中国西北地区某实际工程为背景,素土为原料,P·O 425水泥、PVA纤维、聚合物(冷溶PVA)、土壤固化剂等为改性掺和料,按照不同掺入比分组制作试块,并对各组试块进行抗压强度、抗折强度、劈拉强度等力学性能测试及耐水性、耐盐蚀、抗冻融、抗紫外线老化等耐久性测试.结果表明:按照质量分数分别为86875%素土、0125%液体土壤固化剂、3000%聚合物、10000%水泥,以及体积分数为10%的PVA纤维(长度12mm、直径20μm)进行配比的纤维复合改性土,其力学性能和耐久性最佳.
关键词:  改性掺和料  加固  力学性能  耐久性  纤维复合土
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202005033
Experimental Study on Modified Soil Plaster as Reinforcement Materials for Historical Rammed Soil Buildings
SHI Qingxuan1, GUO Tianyu2, HE Zhijian3
1.State Key Laboratory of Green Building in Western China, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian 710055, China;2.School of Civil Engineering, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian 710055,China;3.Shanxi Provincial Architectural Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd., Xian 710018, China
Taking a real project in northwest China as the research subject, plain soil is used as raw material, and P·O 425 cement, PVA fiber, polymer(cold dissolved PVA), soil curing agent and other modification admixtures were used.Test blocks are made in groups according to different mixing proportion. The mechanical properties of each group of test blocks were tested for compressive strength, flexural strength and splitting tensile strength, and the durability tests for water resistance, salt corrosion resistance, frost resistance and ultraviolet resistance. The results show that the fiber composite mud with volume fraction of 10% PVA fiber(length 12mm and diameter 20μm), mass fraction of 0125% liquid soil curing agent, 3000% polymer, 10000% cement and 86875% soil has the best mechanical properties and durability.
Key words:  modified admixture  reinforcement  mechanical property  durability  fiber composite mud