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赵西平1, 王若楠1, 黄炜2
为探究装配式中空挤出成型纤维水泥(ECP)墙板的热工性能,以3种钢柱形式和5种墙体保温材料类型为参数,建立了15种ECP复合墙体的有限元模型,并根据模拟结果分析各参数对于ECP复合墙体热工性能的影响;同时在模型分析基础上模拟了钢柱热桥处采取外保温措施、外保温层厚度取0~50mm时的墙体内表面温度分布情况.结果表明:ECP复合墙体传热系数为0226~0319W/(m2·K),低于JGJ 26—2018《严寒和寒冷地区居住建筑节能设计标准》对于寒冷地区外墙传热系数的限值035W/(m2·K);对钢柱热桥部位采用外保温措施时,ECP复合墙体内表面温度升高,热桥影响范围减小,保温隔热性能显著提高.
关键词:  ECP复合墙体  热桥  墙体结露  外保温
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202005032
Simulation Study on Thermal Performance of Fabricated ECP Composite Wall
ZHAO Xiping1, WANG Ruonan1, HUANG Wei2
1.School of Architecture, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian 710055, China;2.School of Civil Engineering, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian 710055, China
To explore the thermal performance of prefabricated extruded cement panel(ECP), 15 finite element models were built using three steel column forms and five sandwich insulation materials as parameters. According to the simulation results, the influences of the parameters on the thermal performance of the ECP composite wall were analyzed. On this basis, the external insulation measures were taken, and the thickness of the insulation layer was 050mm, and the wall inner surface temperature distributions in the thermal bridge of steel column was obtained. The results show that the heat transfer coefficient of ECP composite wall is 02260319W/(m2·K), which is lower than the limiting value of 035W/(m2·K) in the standard for freezing and cold area. When the external thermal insulation measures are applied to the steel column, the inner surface temperature of ECP composite wall increases, the influence range of the thermal bridge decreases, and the thermal insulation performance is significantly improved.
Key words:  ECP composite wall  thermal bridge  wall condensation  exterior insulation