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张爱莲1, 张林春1, 柳俊哲2, 高小建3, 汪晖2
将相变封装盒嵌入平房的火墙内,采用正常使用情况下的间歇性供热方式对火墙进行加热,利用TRM WD120温度测试系统和Testo875 2i红外热像仪对室内温度进行全程监控,研究相变封装盒的数量、盒中铜网的数量以及加热时间等因素对其储热调温效果的影响.结果表明:相变封装盒数量的增加和加热时间的延长均能使相变封装盒在加热阶段吸收的热量增加,防止室内温度过快上升.并且在加热停止后相变封装盒释放的热量增加,从而减缓室内温度降低的速率,延长了20℃以上温度平台的持续时间,提高了环境的舒适度和供暖效率,并提高温度上升的幅度.
关键词:  相变封装盒  铜网  储热  调温  加热时间
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202005028
Practical Application of Phase Transition Encapsulation Boxes
ZHANG Ailian1, ZHANG Linchun1, LIU Junzhe2, GAO Xiaojian3, WANG Hui2
1.School of Civil Engineering, Sichuan College of Architectural Technology, Deyang 618000, China;2.School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315000, China;3.School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China
Phase transition encapsulation boxes were embedded in the bag wall. The heating was realized by providing intermittent heating style of the bag wall under normal use. The process of temperature change in the bag wall was determined by the TRM WD120 temperature measurement system and Testo875 2i thermal imaging system. The influence of the numbers of boxes, the numbers of copper meshes in the boxes and the heating time on the thermoregulation and thermal storage were studied in the research. Results indicated that the increasing numbers of phase transition encapsulation boxes and the prolongation of the heating time can increase the energy absorption, thus slow down the rise of temperature. As heating was stopped, heat release by the growing numbers of phase transition encapsulation boxes increases, therefore the temperature declines slowly. Meanwhile, temperature platform above 20℃ is prolonged. Therefore, the comfort and heating efficiency of the indoor environment are improved. And the amount of temperature rise is improved.
Key words:  phase transition encapsulation box  copper net  heat storage  temperature adjustment  heating time