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包得祥1, 曹青霞2, 张富奎2, 董会明2, 王鹏2
针对石墨烯橡胶复合改性沥青、SBS改性沥青和橡胶 SBS复合改性沥青进行薄膜烘箱试验(TFOT)和不同时间(20、40、60h)条件下的压力老化容器(PAV)试验,并借助动态剪切流变仪(DSR)的频率扫描试验和傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)试验,研究了石墨烯对橡胶复合改性沥青抗裂性能和抗老化性能的影响.结果表明:石墨烯有效降低了石墨烯橡胶复合改性沥青归一化羰基指数(NCI)和归一化亚砜基指数(NSI)的增长速率,提高了其抗热氧老化性能;石墨烯使得石墨烯橡胶复合改性沥青的相位角(δ)在低频段的增幅降低,长期老化后低频段黏性降低、弹性增加;石墨烯降低了橡胶复合改性沥青20~40h PAV老化过程中Glover Rowe(G R)常数的增长速率,有效提高了沥青的中温抗裂性能.
关键词:  石墨烯橡胶复合改性沥青  归一化羰基指数  归一化亚砜基指数  15℃主曲线  Glover Rowe(G R)常数  热氧老化
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202005017
Effect of Graphene on Anti aging Properties of Rubber Modified Asphalt
BAO Dexiang1, CAO Qingxia2, ZHANG Fukui2, DONG Huiming2, WANG Peng2
1.School of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China;2.Gansu Province Communications Planning Survey & Design Institute Co., Ltd., Lanzhou 730030, China
The effect of long term laboratory aging on rheological properties and cracking resistance of graphene rubber composite modified asphalt was investigate. Graphene rubber composite modified asphalt and SBS modified asphalt, SBS crumb rubber compound modified asphalt were subjected to thin film oven test(TFOT) and 20, 40, 60h pressure aging vessel(PAV) test. Dynamic shear rheometer(DSR) frequency scanning and Fourier infrared spectroscopic(FTIR)tests were carried out on asphalts with different aging time. The results indicate that graphene can effectively reduce the growth rate of normalized carbonyl index(NCI) and normalized sulfoxide index(NSI) of graphene rubber composite modified asphalt with the aging time. Graphene decreases the increase of phase angle of graphene rubber composite modified asphalt in low frequency,which shows that the viscosity of low frequency decreases after long term aging. Graphene decreases the increase of Glover Rowe(G R)parameter during 20h to 40h thermal oxidative aging, and effectively increases the crack resistance of asphalt at medium temperature.
Key words:  graphene rubber composite modified asphalt  normalized carbonyl index(NCI)  normalized sulfoxide index(NSI)  main curve at 15℃  Glover Rowe(G R) parameter  thermo oxidative aging