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范向前, 刘决丁
为了探讨不同种类纤维增强复合材料(FRP)增强带裂缝混凝土的断裂性能,开展了芳纶纤维增强复合材料(AFRP)、碳纤维增强复合材料(CFRP)和玻璃纤维增强复合材料(GFRP)增强带裂缝混凝土梁的三点弯曲试验,分析了其断裂性能参数.结果表明:相对于普通混凝土梁试件,FRP对带裂缝混凝土梁的阻裂加固效果更明显;CFRP增强混凝土梁的起裂荷载和失稳荷载均大于AFRP与GFRP增强混凝土梁,CFRP的阻裂增强效果最佳;AFRP增强混凝土梁和CFRP增强混凝土梁的破坏形式均为试件底部混凝土 FRP界面的剥离破坏,GFRP增强混凝土梁的破坏形式为试件底部GFRP的拉断破坏;通过对不同FRP增强混凝土梁阻裂加固机理的分析,计算得出CFRP增强混凝土梁的起裂韧度和失稳韧度最大,且CFRP价格适中,因此使用CFRP对带裂缝混凝土梁进行增强加固的性价比最优.
关键词:  FRP增强混凝土梁  裂缝  断裂性能  性价比
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202005014
Experimental Study on Fracture Behavior of Different Kinds of FRP Reinforced Concrete Beam
FAN Xiangqian, LIU Jueding
State Key Laboratory of HydrologyWater Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing 210098, China
In order to study the fracture behavior of FRP reinforced concrete beams with cracks, three point bending tests of AFRP, CFRP and GFRP reinforced concrete beams with cracks were carried out to analyze the fracture parameters. The conclusions can be drawn that, FRP material has obvious effect on crack resistance and reinforcement of concrete with cracks; the crack initiation load and unstability load of CFRP reinforced concrete beams are higher than those of AFRP or GFRP reinforced concrete beams, and the effect of crack prevention and reinforcement is the best. The failure modes of AFRP reinforced concrete beams and CFRP reinforced concrete beams are both peeling failure of concrete FRP interface at the bottom of specimens, while the failure mode of GFRP reinforced concrete beams is the tensile failure of GFRP at the bottom of specimens. Through the analysis of the mechanism of crack resistance and reinforcement of different kinds of FRP reinforced concrete beams, it is calculated that the crack initiation toughness and unstability toughness of CFRP reinforced concrete beams are the maximum, and the price of CFRP is moderate, which indicates that the performance price ratio of CFRP reinforced concrete beam with cracks is the best.
Key words:  FRP reinforced concrete beam  crack  fracture property  performance price ratio