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许珊珊1, 张营营1, 徐俊豪1, 楚时海2
关键词:  聚氯乙烯涂层织物膜材  各向异性  非线性  本构关系模型  偏轴角度
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202005015
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51678563);徐州市应用基础研究计划项目(KC18062);工程结构性能演化与控制教育部重点实验室开放基金资助项目(2019KF 3);徐州市重点研发计划项目(Y2217)
Nonlinear Anisotropic Constitutive Model of PVC Coated Fabric Membrane
XU Shanshan1, ZHANG Yingying1, XU Junhao1, CHU Shihai2
1.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Environmental Impact and Structural Safety in Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China;2.Jiangsu Cheng Yi Residential Industrial Technology Development Co., Ltd., Xuzhou 221131, China
Based on the theory of anisotropic elastoplasticity, a nonlinear anisotropic constitutive model for PVC coated fabric membrane was proposed. It is based on the inherent nonlinearity of material represented by equivalent stress and equivalent plastic strain, and combined with the three parameter elastoplastic yield function. In order to determine the parameters of the constitutive model and to verify the applicability of the model, uniaxial tensile tests in 7 off axial directions(0°,5°,15°,45°,75°,85° and 90°) were carried out. By comparing the predicted results of the model with the tensile test results, it is found that the constitutive model can accurately reflect the non linear stress strain relationship of the PVC coated fabric membrane. It can be used to predict the mechanical behavior of the PVC coated fabric membrane under the combined action of tension and shear stress.
Key words:  PVC coated fabric membrane  anisotropic  nonlinear  constitutive model  bias angle