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刘清, 韩风霞, 于广明, 徐鹏
关键词:  再生粗骨料  自密实混凝土  立方体抗压强度  劈裂抗拉强度  应力应变曲线  本构方程
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202005009
Basic Mechanical Properties of Recycled Coarse Aggregate Self compacting Concrete
LIU Qing, HAN Fengxia, YU Guangming, XU Peng
College of Architectural and Civil Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830047, China
Through the working performance, cubic compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, axial compressive strength and stress strain tests of recycled coarse aggregate self compacting concrete(RCASCC), the changes of working performance and basic mechanical properties under different replacement rates of recycled coarse aggregate were analyzed. The stress strain constitutive equation of the RCASCC was put forward. The results show that with the increase of replacement rate of recycled coarse aggregate, the working performance of RCASCC becomes worse, but still can meet the current standard requirements; with the increase of replacement rate, the cubic compressive strength, axial compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of RCASCC are generally decreased, but when the replacement rate is 50%, the cubic compressive strength and axial compressive strength are higher than that for the replacement rate is 25%; the compressive strength of RCASCC shows a nonlinear growth trend with the increase of age. The conversion relations between the axial compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and cubic compressive strength of RCASCC and those of ordinary concrete is in agreement, the stress strain constitutive equation of RCASCC is similar to the single axis compression constitutive equation of ordinary concrete.
Key words:  recycled coarse aggregate  self compacting concrete  cubic compressive strength  splitting tensile strength  stress strain curve  constitutive equation