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石东升, 李科, 薛欣欣, 韩佳彤
关键词:  粒化高炉矿渣  高强水泥基材料  养护条件  力学性能  微观结构
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202005008
Mechanical Properties of GBFS High Strength Cement Based Materials under Different Curing Conditions
SHI Dongsheng, LI Ke, XUE Xinxin, HAN Jiatong
School of Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051, China
Through the mechanical performance test of granulated blast furnace slag(GBFS) high strength cement based materials under different curing conditions, the mechanical properties such as compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength and elastic modulus of GBFS high strength cement based materials with 2 water binder ratio and 3 sand replacement rates under standard curing, 70℃ steam and high temperature autoclave curing conditions were tested and the relationship between them were studied. And the effect of microstructure on mechanical properties of the composites under different curing conditions was analyzed by laser focusing microscope. The results show that the strength development law of GBFS high strength cement based materials is the same as that of ordinary quartz sand high strength cement based materials. The compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength and elastic modulus all decrease with the decrease of water binder ratio, increase of curing age and curing temperature. Under the same mix ratio and the same curing conditions, the mechanical properties such as the compressive strength of GBFS high strength cement based materials is lower than those of ordinary quartz sand high strength cement based materials. 70℃ steam curing and high temperature autoclave curing can not only improve the early strength of GBFS high strength cement based materials, but also make the late strength development higher than that for standard curing. Under three curing conditions, the flexural strength, splitting tensile strength and elastic modulus all increase with the increase of compressive strength, and the relationship between elastic modulus and compressive strength can be described by the usual concrete calculation formula. The microscopic morphology shows that under standard curing conditions, GBFS high strength cement based materials are the same as ordinary quartz sand high strength cement based materials, the cement paste in the transition zone of the aggregate interface is closely combined with the aggregate, but it can be clearly distinguished. Under 70℃ steam curing conditions, the transition zone between the aggregate and the cementitious slurry is densely developed. Under the high temperature autoclave curing condition, the aggregate and the cementitious material are integrated, and the interface transition zone can no longer be distinguished.
Key words:  granulated blast furnace slag(GBFS)  high strength cement based material  curing condition  mechanical property  microstructure