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杨尚谕1, 周梅1, 张玉琢2, 张院强1, 张渤群1
关键词:  自燃煤矸石粗集料  取代率  混凝土断裂性能  图像处理
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202004018
Effect of Spontaneous Combustion Coal Gangue Coarse Aggregate Replacement Ratio on Fracture Properties of Three Point Bending Concrete Beam
YANG Shangyu1, ZHOU Mei1, ZHANG Yuzhuo2, ZHANG Yuanqiang1, ZHANG Boqun1
1.College of Civil Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, China;2.College of Civil Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang 110168, China
The fracture toughness and fracture energy of concrete with different spontaneous combustion coal gangue coarse aggregate replacement ratios were calculated by three point bending beam test with constant span and initial incision depth ratio.The brittleness and ductility of concrete were measured by characteristic length and ductility index. Based on image processing technology, the distribution and failure mode of mixed coarse aggregate on fracture surface were quantitatively analyzed in horizontal area projection direction. The surface roughness of coarse aggregates was characterized by calculating fractal dimension through three dimensional reconstruction of fracture surface morphology. The results show that the bending failure characteristics of spontaneous combustion coal gangue coarse aggregate concrete are similar to those of ordinary concrete. As the replacement ratio increases, the development path of the crack changes from bending to vertical, and the time taken for the crack to penetrate the section is gradually shortened, the toughness parameters decrease with the increase of replacement ratio, but the decreases are different. When the replacement ratio is 25%, the characteristic length and the ductility index are the same as ordinary concrete, and then decrease with the increase of replacement ratio. When the replacement ratio reaches 100%, the initial fracture toughness, unstable fracture toughness and fracture energy are 1169%, 3904% and 4786%, respectively, compared with ordinary concrete. The change of replacement ratio has no obvious effect on the ratio of mixed coarse aggregate to the horizontal area projection of fracture surface, but the effect on the fracture failure ratio of mixed coarse aggregate is significant. With the increase of replacement ratio, the fractal dimension gradually decreases, and the fracture surface morphology gradually becomes flat.The spontaneous combustion coal gangue coarse aggregate has a significant adverse effect on the fracture properties of concrete. The fracture characteristics are more significant than those of ordinary concrete, and should be highly valued in the project.
Key words:  spontaneous combustion coal gangue coarse aggregate  replacement ratio  concrete fracture property  image processing technology