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周振君, 王俊岩, 丛培良
关键词:  SBS改性沥青  热降解  储存性能  化学结构
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629202002028
基金项目:陕西省重点研发项目(2017GY 161);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(30010218201)
Effects of Degradation of SBS Modified Asphalt Binders during Thermal Storage and Transportation
ZHOU Zhenjun, WANG Junyan, CONG Peiliang
Engineering Research Center of Transportation Materials of Ministry of Education, Changan University, Xian 710064, China
Through indoor simulation of the thermal degradation process of styrene butadiene styrene block copolymer(SBS) modified asphalt binders under low air concentration(or relative condition without oxygen), the performance of SBS modified asphalt binders under different conditions was tested and analyzed. The results show that in the process of thermal degradation, the crack resistance of SBS modified asphalt binders at low temperature decreased with time or temperature increases; compared with the effects of thermal degradation under low air concentration on microstructure of SBS modified asphalt binders, SBS modified asphalt binders have higher carbonyl and lower butadiene contents during thermal degradation under high air concentration. It is necessary to fully consider the influences of time, temperature and air concentration on SBS modified asphalt binders performance in the production, storage and transportation of SBS modified asphalt binders.
Key words:  SBS modified asphalt  thermal degradation  storage performance  chemical structure