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任勇翔, 钱壮, 赵春玲, 程鹏, 杨垒
关键词:  热活化  水化高铝水泥  氟化物吸附  吸附特性
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629202002027
基金项目:陕西省科技统筹创新工程计划项目(2015KTZDSF 01 06);陕西省教育厅服务地方专项计划项目(14JF012)
Behavior of Fluoride Adsorption onto Thermally DehydratedAluminate Cement Granules
REN Yongxiang, QIAN Zhuang, ZHAO Chunling, CHENG Peng, YANG Lei
Key Laboratory of Northwest Water Resource and Environment Ecology of Ministry of Education, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian 710055, China
Effect of activation temperature, pH value, co existing anion and ionic strength on fluoride adsorption by the thermally dehydrated aluminate cement granules(ALC) were investigated, and TGA, XRD, FTIR, SEM were used to analyze their surface morphology, internal structure characteristics and adsorption mechanisms. The results show that the equilibrium adsorption capacity of ALC is higher than 1742mg/g at 25℃, the activation temperature of ALC is 600℃(ALC600), pH=7, and the initial fluoride concentration is 100mg/L. ALC600 can efficiently remove fluoride from water in a wide pH range of 59. Co existing anion(Cl-,NO-3 and SO2-4) and ionic strength do not evidently inhibit fluoride removing by ALC600. The adsorption processes can be fitted as pseudo second order model and Langmuir model, and maximum adsorption capacity is over 22372mg/g. According to the change of crystal structure, chemical bond and surface morphology of ALC600, the process of fluoride removed by ALC600 is mainly due to chemical adsorption, internal complexion and surface precipitation, the ion exchange and electrostatic interaction are also involved.
Key words:  thermal activation  dehydrated aluminate cement  fluoride adsorption  adsorption characteristics