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吴鹏程1, 杨全兵1, 徐俊辉2, 韩俊甜2
关键词:  低危害除冰盐  盐冻剥蚀破坏  结冰压  饱水度  黏结抗折强度
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629202002012
Effects of a Low Harm Deicing Salt on the Salt Frost Scaling of Concrete and Its Mechanism
WU Pengcheng1, YANG Quanbing1, XU Junhui2, HAN Juntian2
1.Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China;2.China Salt Jintan Co., Ltd., Changzhou 213200, China
The effects of low harm deicing salt on the salt frost scaling of concrete surface, the ice formation pressure of salt solution, the degree of saturation in concrete and the bond strength between concrete and ice were investigated. The results show that the salt scaling of concrete is significantly reduced by the low harm deicing salt with the additive. Comparing with the 400% NaCl solution, the additive has no significant effect on the ice formation pressure of the salt solution, but significantly reduce the bond strength between the concrete and ice, and the degree of saturation in the concrete decreases. The improving mechanism of the low harm deicing salt on the salt frost scaling of concrete is well explained based on these measured data.
Key words:  low harm deicing salt  salt frost scaling  ice formation pressure  degree of saturation  bond strength