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李敬军, 田雷, 邱流潮, 韩宇
关键词:  自密实混凝土  宾汉姆流变模型  数值模拟  MPS  L形箱试验  V形漏斗试验
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629202002011
Numerical Simulation of Self compacting Concrete Flow Based on MPS Method
LI Jingjun, TIAN Lei, QIU Liuchao, HAN Yu
College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
In order to study and predict the flow performance of the self compacting concrete(SCC) in the formwork, a simulation method of the moving particle semi implicit method(MPS) based on the Bingham rheological model was used to simulate the pouring process of SCC under the self gravity action. The result was compared with the flow time and flow pattern of L box flow in laboratory. By using this method, effects of plastic viscosity on the flow state of SCC in the L box experiment and the V funnel experiment was studied. The relationship between the density of SCC, the plastic viscosity and the falling time of the V funnel experiment was established. The results show that the MPS method based on the Bingham rheological model is feasible for the flow simulation of the self compacting concrete, and the simulation results have high accuracy. Therefore, the method proposed can be used to predict the flow time and flow pattern of concrete in the template, and the analysis of the rheological parameters can provide the basis for the design of SCC mix ratio in the construction practice.
Key words:  self compacting concrete(SCC)  Bingham rheological model  numerical simulation  MPS  L box test  V funnel test