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刘佳辉, 周新涛, 罗中秋
为实现镍铁渣(FS)的综合利用,降低磷酸镁水泥的生产成本,提出利用高镁含量的FS与磷酸二氢铵(ADP)反应制备镍铁渣基磷酸镁水泥(F MPC).在50℃恒温水浴中反应8h的条件下,探讨FS与ADP质量比(mFS/mADP)、氧化镁掺量(wM)、水胶比(mW/mB)、硼酸掺量(wBA)对材料凝结时间和抗压强度的影响,采用X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜能量弥散X射线谱(SEM EDS)分析F MPC水化产物的物相组成及微观形貌,探讨其水化反应机理.结果表明:当mFS/mADP=4、wM=4%、mW/mB=017、wBA=03%时,F MPC的工作性能与力学性能最佳;水化产物以鸟粪石为主,同时还有磷镁铵石,F MPC以这些水化产物为胶结料,通过胶结作用将FS颗粒进行包裹,最终形成高强的硬化体.
关键词:  镍铁渣  磷酸镁水泥  制备  水化产物  形成机理
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629202002003
Preparation and Formation Mechanism of Ferronickel Slag Based Magnesium Phosphate Cement
LIU Jiahui, ZHOU Xintao, LUO Zhongqiu
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China
In order to realize the comprehensive utilization of ferronickel slag(FS) and reduce the production cost of magnesium phosphate cement, ferronickel slag based magnesium phosphate cement(F MPC) was prepared through the reaction between ferronickel slag containing high magnesium composition and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate(ADP). The influences of the mass ratio of FS to ADP(mFS/mADP), magnesium oxide content(wM), water binder ratio(mW/mB), boric acid content(wBA) on the setting time and compressive strength of F MPC were discussed under the condition of constant temperature water bath reaction at 50℃ for 8 h. The phase composition and microstructures of hydration products of F MPC were analyzed by X ray diffraction(XRD) and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X ray spectroscopy(SEM EDS), and the mechanism of hydration reaction in F MPC was discussed. The results show that when mFS/mADP=4, wM=4%, mW/mB=017, and wBA=03%, the working performance and mechanical property of F MPC are optimal; The hydration products of F MPC are mainly struvite, and there is also schertelite. F MPC materials use these hydration products as cementitious material, and the FS particles are wrapped by cementation to form a high strength hardened body.
Key words:  ferronickel slag  magnesium phosphate cement  preparation  hydration product  formation mechanism