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李立辉1, 田波1, 韩根生2, 赵文丽3, 权磊1
关键词:  水泥浆  水泥水化  有机膦酸  螯合反应  电阻率  缓凝机理
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629202002002
基金项目:江西省交通运输厅科技项目(2017C0003 3);国家自然科学基金资助项目(51608239);交通运输部公路科学研究所基本科研业务专项基金资助项目(2018 E0003);广西科技计划项目(桂科AC16380105)
Influence of Organic Phosphonic Acid on Cement Hydration Characteristics at Early Age
LI Lihui1, TIAN Bo1, HAN Gensheng2, ZHAO Wenli3, QUAN Lei1
1.Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport, Beijing 100088, China;2.Jiangxi Provincial Expressway Investment Group Co., Ltd., Nanchang 330025, China;3.Beijing Construction Engineering Group New Building Materials Co., Ltd., Beijing 100021, China
The effects of 2 phosphonic butane 1,2,4 tricarboxylic acid(PBTCA), hydroxyethyl diphosphonic acid(HEDP) and diethylenetriamine pentamethyl phosphonic acid(DTPMPA) on the hydration and hardening characteristics of cement paste were studied by ion chelation reaction and measurement of hydration heat and resistivity. The mechanism of it was discussed. The results show that the organic phosphonic acid has drastic chelation effect on calcium ion. The more the single molecule phosphonic acid groups, the greater the chelating value of metal ions, the order of strength from strong to weak are successively DTPMPA, HEDP and PBTCA. The retardation efficiency of the organic phosphonic acid at the same dosage is much higher than that of sodium gluconate, and its inhibition ability against hydration of cement slurry increases with the increase of the number of phosphine carboxyl groups. Organic phosphonic acid preferentially forms stable chelates with calcium and magnesium plasma, which restricts participation of calcium and magnesium plasma in the formation of hydration products, and extends the hydration dissolution and induction period, related to the number of phosphonic groups. Phosphonic acid makes the resistivity differential curve of the hydration accelerated period to show that a pair of peaks and troughs disapear, to be different from the control sample. In addition, the inflexion point of resistivity differential curve is closely related to cement slurry setting time. Appropriate amount of the above organic phosphonic acid has an enhanced effect on the compressive strength and flexural strength of cement 28d, but an excessive amount leads to a significant decrease in strength.
Key words:  cement paste  cement hydration  organic phosphonic acid  chelation reaction  electrical resistivity  retarding mechanism