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张含宇1, 徐刚1, 陈先华1, 汪锐1, 周文彬2
关键词:  老化沥青  疲劳性能  线性振幅扫描  多重应力蠕变恢复
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202001026
Fatigue Property of Aged Asphalt Binders Using Different Experimental Methods
ZHANG Hanyu1, XU Gang1, CHEN Xianhua1, WANG Rui1, ZHOU Wenbin2
1.School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China;2.Jiangsu Baoli International Investment Co., Ltd., Jiangyin 214422, China
70# asphalt, styrene butadiene styrene copolymer(SBS) modified asphalt, high viscosity modified asphalt(HV) and a chemically modified asphalt, SBS/rubber compound modified asphalt(SRC) were subjected to short term and long term aging by using rolling thin film oven test(RTFOT) and pressure aging vessel(PAV) test. Their fatigue property were evaluated by temperature sweep test, time sweep test, multiple stress creep recovery(MSCR) test and linear amplitude sweep(LAS) test. The results indicate that the fatigue property of SRC and aging resistance are the best. Temperature sweep test does not well distinguish the differences in fatigue property of different asphalt binders. Time sweep test can effectively characterize the fatigue property of these four asphalts, but it costs too much time. MSCR test results show that the average elastic recovery rates(R0.1 and R3.2) of asphalt binders after long term aging are higher than that of short term aging, the regularity of this indicator and the range of applicable asphalt binders are not clear. LAS test can show the cumulative damage development process of asphalt binders under repeated loading, and the obtained damage characteristic curves and fatigue equations can effectively evaluate the fatigue property of different asphalt binders.
Key words:  aged asphalt  fatigue property  linear amplitude sweep  multiple stress creep recovery