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张尚1, 董春雷1, 窦玲2, 荣春林2, 张本刚1
关键词:  普通蠕变  机械吸附蠕变  玻璃纤维增强木材  糠醇改性木材
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202001025
Effect of Furfurylation and Glass Fiber Treatment on Bending Creep of Wood
ZHANG Shang1, DONG Chunlei1, DOU Ling2, RONG Chunlin2, ZHANG Bengang1
1.College of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, China;2.Yunnan Chuanghe Wooden House Co., Ltd., Kunming 650228, China
The creep properties of populus(P), furfurylation populus(FP) were impregnated with 30% furfurylation solution and glass fiber reinforced populus(GFRP) which was bonded with glass fiber cloth on surface were tested and analyzed. The results show that when the loading level is 35% of the static bending failure strength of each material, compared with the maximum normal creep deflection of P, that of GFRP and FP is reduced by 21.97% and 36.93% respectively and the maximum mechanical sorptive creep deflection is reduced by 75.56% and 81.49% respectively. When the loading level was 35% of the static bending failure strength of P, compared with the maximum normal creep deflection of P, that of GFRP and FP is reduced by 66.25% and 38.00% respectively and the maximum mechanical sorptive creep deflection is reduced by 8522% and 78.88% respectively. It is found that neither GFRP nor FP treatment changes the normal creep characteristics of P, but it can effectively reduce the normal creep deflection of P. GFRP and FP treatment make the mechanical sorptive creep properties of P lost and only shows normal creep characteristics, it effectively enhances the resistance of P to mechanical sorptive creep.
Key words:  normal creep  mechanical sorptive creep  glass fiber reinforced wood  furfurylation modified wood