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徐加秋, 阳恩慧, 浩原, 田锐敏
关键词:  道路工程  温拌沥青  温度应力  低温性能  小梁弯曲流变试验  Huet模型
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202001011
Mechanical Properties of Warm Mix Asphalt at Low Temperature Based on Thermal Stress Calculations
XU Jiaqiu, YANG Enhui, LUO Haoyuan, TIAN Ruimin
School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
In order to accurately evaluate the influence of the warm mix product on the low temperature mechanical properties of the asphalt, with considering the accumulation and relaxation of thermal stress during the cooling process of the warm mix asphalt binder the thermal stress of the warm mix asphalt binder was calculated on the basis of the bending beam rheological(BBR) test, the rheological Huet model was used for parameter fitting and statistical methods were used to further analyze the effects of warm mix products. The test results show that the addition of 2% or more of Sasobit warm mix product hardens the asphalt, which results in higher low temperature PG, higher thermal stress and higher critical cracking temperature. The parameter analysis of the Huet rheological model and statistical analysis further confirm the existence of this hardening effect.
Key words:  road engineering  warm mix asphalt  thermal stress  low temperature performance  bending beam rheological(BBR) test  Huet model