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荆磊, 尹世平
关键词:  纤维编织网增强混凝土  钢筋混凝土  约束效果  锈蚀  黏结性能
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201905020
Bonding Properties between TRC Confined Concrete and Steel Bar under Erosion Environment
JING Lei, YIN Shiping
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Environmental Impact and Structural Safety in Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China
The bonding properties between steel bar and concrete confined by textile reinforced concrete(TRC) is one of the important factors for evaluating the TRC reinforcement effect. Based on the results of electrochemical corrosion and pull out tests, the bonding properties between the unconfined or TRC confined concrete and steel bar under erosion environment were comparatively analyzed in terms of the corrosion induced crack, failure mode, bonding strength and bonding failure mechanism. The bonding properties were further illustrated from the point of energy. The results show that TRC confinement can effectively control the development of corrosion induced crack, so the crack width decreases significantly for the TRC confined specimens. The failure mode of the TRC confined specimens is changed from the splitting of concrete to the splitting pull out, which has a certain ductile failure characteristic. For the unconfined specimens, the great degradation of the ultimate bonding strength is observed as the corrosion rate of steel bar increases, while the degradation trend is effectively controlled because of TRC confinement. The results from the energy analysis have a good consistency with the test results.
Key words:  textile reinforced concrete(TRC)  reinforced concrete  confinement effect  corrosion  bonding property