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闫景晨, 郑建龙, 李宁宁
关键词:  道路工程  玄武岩纤维沥青砂浆  半圆弯拉试验  抗裂性能  临界内聚力  临界断裂能  扫描电镜
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201905019
Anti cracking Performance of Asphalt Mortar Reinforced by Basalt Fiber
YAN Jingchen, ZHENG Jianlong, LI Ningning
College of Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051, China
The anti cracking performance of the asphalt mortar with 0% and 03% basalt fibers was compared through semi circular bending test and scanning electron microscope(SEM) analysis. The result shows that adding appropriate amount of basalt fibers can enhance the mechanical performance, for the specimens without notch the max load increases by 162% and the critical cohesion increases by 143% and for the specimens with notch the max load increases by 512% and the critical fracture energy increases by 172%; Basalt fibers can also raise the viscosity of asphalt mortar, suppress the flowability of the asphalt and it is well compatible with asphalt, so the adhesion is enhanced. This is why basalt fibers can decrease the cracking probability.
Key words:  road engineering  asphalt mortar reinforced by basalt fiber  semi circular bending test  anti cracking performance  critical cohesion  critical fracture energy  scanning electron microscope(SEM)