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杨建明1, 郭思彤1, 徐新华2, 孙智1, 吴会军1
关键词:  气凝胶  隔热  建筑材料  节能
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201905017
Thermal Performance Study of Aerogel Insulating Panels
YANG Jianming1, GUO Sitong1, XU Xinhua2, SUN Zhi1, WU Huijun1
1.College of Civil Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China;2.Department of Building Environment and Service Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
Aerogel insulating panels were prepared by sol gel method and normal pressure drying technology. Traditional insulation materials such as expanded polystyrene foam and inorganic glass fiber mat were used as comparisons. Thermocouples were used to test the temperature distribution of insulating boxes. A thermal resistance heat capacity simplified heat transfer model was established to predict the temperature variation of the insulating boxes under periodic outdoor interference, as well as time lag and damping factor of the temperature wave. The results indicate that compared with traditional insulation materials, the time lag of the box of aerogel insulating panel can be doubled and the damping factor can be increased about 40%. Obviously, the aerogel insulating panel is significantly superior to traditional insulating materials in transient thermal performance.
Key words:  aerogel  thermal insulation  building material  energy saving